
At Del Sur Dirt, instruction is the cornerstone for skill development. Whether you are an experienced rider or a new rider just getting started, fundamentals instruction can take your riding to levels that are difficult to achieve on your own. As a Bicycle Instruction Certification Program (BICP) trained professional, Jim Bradford, customizes his instruction to the needs of the individual cyclist. Whether in a group clinic or an individual lesson, he works sequentially through skills training to get each student the best result. While he only teaches on the mountain bike, all the skills he teaches will translate to any other cycling discipline.

Safety and judgement are two of the most important skills to maintain. Risk taking is one of the alluring aspects of mountain biking and captures a large portion of the identity of the sport. Through each of our rides together, risk management and safety will constantly be front and center. We will ride conservatively on the trail and discover each rider’s boundaries while having a “no pressure” atmosphere for everyone to thrive within. 

It is encouraged for each new rider to our Del Sur Dirt family to complete our Intro to the Modern Mountain Bike, Startup Clinic, and Fundamentals Clinic courses. Whether you are a seasoned rider or totally new to the sport, we strongly encourage these 3 courses. Completing these for each rider ensures we are all speaking the same language and understand the core skills and  body positions similarly. This makes our on trail experience more cohesive and productive.

Our Classes

 Classes are included in the Client level monthly subscription at $100/month

COVID Update- We will resume Monthly Subscription membership once public health guidelines allow gatherings and use of public spaces. All instruction will be done on an individual one on one basis at an hourly rate detailed below until that time. See our Individual Instruction options below.

Individual Instruction


Individual Instruction- $65/hour Adults

Our individual sessions will allow us to focus on the precise fundamentals and techniques each rider needs most. A brief orientation and bike setup evaluation are included in the first hour. All the elements of our Intro to the Modern Mountain Bike and Startup Clinic will weave into the training seamlessly, while the one on one format allows us to move incredibly efficiently through our fundamentals training. Click below to book a slot on our calendar.


Youth Individual Instruction- $50/ hour Under 18

Our individual youth sessions will focus on the same fundamentals and bike handling, but will carry a heightened focus on safety. A brief orientation and bike setup evaluation are included in the first hour. All the elements of our Startup Clinic will weave into the training seamlessly, while the one on one format allows us to move incredibly efficiently through our fundamentals training. Click below to book a slot on our calendar.


Intro to the Modern Mountain Bike- 1.5 hours- FREE

COVID Update- This course will resume when public health guidelines allow.

The course will be held at our local bike shop and Del Sur Dirt partner, The Bike Shop at Del Sur. No, the goal here is not to sell you a new bike, but to acquaint new and experienced riders with the dramatic and beneficial improvements that we’ve seen in mountain bikes in the last several years. We will explore upgrades that can enhance your riding experience on your current bike and discuss the advantages of the new technology. Topics will include hydraulic brakes, wheel size, suspension, cockpit setup, saddle height, pedal choices, tire setup, riding gear, trail repair equipment and much more. This course is a must for anyone getting back into riding or looking to improve their experience on the bike. Please go to our Calendar to Register for this free event. This is a non-riding event, attendees are welcome to bring their current bike for advice, but bringing a bike or even owning one is not required.


Startup Clinic- 1 hour- $65 ($50 kids under 18)

COVID Update- This course will be offered as an individual one on one course until public health guidelines allow larger gatherings.

Our Startup Clinic is design to appeal to a wide range of rider skills. We recommend that all riders joining the Del Sur Dirt team complete this 1 hour introduction to modern riding. Whether you are just getting started or already bombing down Black Mountain, you are sure to learn new skills and improve as a rider from the fundamental techniques and drills covered. The unique structure of our curriculum allows us to tune our skills training to the individual riders in each course and provides adaptability to riders of widely varied skills and experience. By the end of the course, we will all be speaking the same language and garner a common understanding of the terms and principles we will use on the trail. Please go to our Calendar to Register for this event.


Startup Clinic- Women Only- 2 hours

COVID Update- This course will resume when public health guidelines allow.

While this course maintains the same curriculum as our Startup Clinic, it is only open to female riders. It is not intended to just exclude men, but to create a unique and comfortable environment in which female athletes can thrive. It is no secret that women are under-represented in our sport, yet carry just as much ability to shred as their male counterparts. The goal is to learn the skills necessary to ride with confidence in a low pressure and collaborative atmosphere.