
With the proliferation of fitness training that takes place on a stationary cycling trainer or workouts in a spin class, it’s obvious people like to pedal and exert themselves. The health benefits of this model are obvious and efficient. We are all on tight time schedules and each minute is valuable. 

The engagement and intensity of riding on the trails is unlike most other workouts. Mountain biking provides an unmatched combination of fun, fitness, and outdoor experience. Within minutes of your front door, you can be on any number of incredible trails that can be ridden with intensity for fitness, aggressiveness to improve skills, or calmness to enjoy our incredible climate and landscape. Trail rides from 5 to 50 miles start literally on our doorstep and range in difficulty from beginner to advanced. We invite you to try an amazing alternative to working out on the indoor treadmill, stationary bike, or workout class. Put your time to better use and let us introduce you to your next adventure in fun and fitness.

Weekly Rides



These rides are focused on primary skills and gaining fitness on appropriate terrain. The “No Drop” principle is observed on all Green Level rides, meaning the group stays together at a comfortable pace. Our trail selections encourage strong basic skills while not overwhelming our riders with overly technical or physically demanding sections.



For riders prepared to attempt greater challenges, we offer our Blue Level rides. On the trail we will focus on maintaining a more robust pace and pursue routes that will challenge riders technically and physically. A more focused level of on the bike instruction will encourage riders to carefully push their boundaries, while absorbing new skills.



Once your skills and fitness are at a high level, these rides focus on event preparation and a more extreme level of technical and physical capability. These rides are appropriate for accomplished riders who are looking to refine advanced skills and fitness. The routes will be selected to cultivate advanced skills and ridden with speed and intensity.